Promotion Testing Cycles
At Modern Taekwondo Center, we run 2 Sessions per academic year, each culminating with a Promotion Test and a Graduation Ceremony. Every student is expected to test for promotion each session they are enrolled.
Just as a student is required to take mid-terms and finals in their academic schooling, students are expected to test each session in their Taekwondo schooling.
Academic Year Sessions
Each session is 20 weeks long and they roughly run as follows:
- FALL SESSION: September – January
- SPRING SESSION: February – June
- SUMMER SESSION: July – August (6 weeks)
Summer Session
The Summer Session runs July-August (6 weeks) and is focused on fun and enrichment. There IS a promotion over the summer for the Tigers, Dragons & White Belt students only. The summer is a great time to start your Taekwondo journey.
Yearly Testing Cycle
The promotion tests fall roughly around these times of the year:
Fall Session Promotion Test: January
Spring Session Promotion Test: June
Summer Session Promotion Test: August
Promotion Cycle
The following is an overview of the typical promotion cycle within each session:
Week 6: Tape Testing 1
Week 12: Tape Testing 2
Week 18: Tape Testing 3
Week 19-20: Promotion Test & Graduation Ceremony
Please make sure to understand the Test Qualification Procedure.
Please check the Calendar for specific dates for the current session.